Return & Cancellation Policy

Shop with a peace of mind! We are so confident that you would love our products, Our return policy lasts for 24hrs after order delivery. We do not want your money if you are unsatisfied! Return your product within 24hrs after you received your item and we would be happy to offer you a refund. Once we received the product, refund will be done within 24hr to 48hr.

For your return to be eligible, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it in, with tags intact. It must also be in the original packaging. Stains, folded cards, broken seals/ plastic foiling broken will not be accepted. If the condition of the product shipped back to us is not in acceptable condition, we reserve the right to not refund or exchange. Products that have been personalized cannot be refunded or exchanged. To complete your return, we also require a receipt or proof of purchase and unboxing video. Kindly contact us through the contact us page or write to us on our E-mail: